Im sure you have all received at least one of those lottery emails.
So heres how to get rid of em.
There are 2 ways.
Either mark them as spam, or...You could send a reply back!
What you do is..(Remember to NEVER click links in a fake lottery email.)
1. Type in this in the title "OMG REALLY??!!"
2. Send them a fake account and pin.
What i do is send something like this.
Hi sir, i am very surprised to receive this email, and i am overjoyed to have won this lottery!
Please send the money as soon as possible!
My account number is : KissMyAssBitch
and my PIN is : DidYouReallyThinkIWouldFallForThatYouMoron?
Works everytime.
The easiest people to con are the con artists.